Monday, October 25, 2010

Sun CEO denied that the privatization of the stock market conspiracy rumors

Friday, "Business Week" has cited an unnamed hedge fund manager as saying, Sun Microsystems CEO Scott - McNealy (Scott McNealy) is to consider the funding Silver Lake Partners Group, the company private, Silver Lake Partners investment group has acquired Seagate Technology Inc. and eventually re-marketed.

McNealy is now denied the reports, which he called "completely unfounded rumor," is a wish to profit from the stock market as part of a conspiracy. According to "Business Weekly" reported that the manager is expected Sun Microsystems Inc. stock price will reach 5-5.50 dollars / share, well above the 3.44 dollar / share's closing price. In an email sent the day McNealy said the rumor is the company's stock price to rise from the profit of the conspiracy part of the day at 8 am Pacific time shares rose 36 cents, or 11% in week five had also reached a higher stock price earlier this price.

McNealy said, do not know why, like "Business Week" worthy of trust such journals will quote an anonymous hedge fund manager code to boost stock prices rise out of unfounded rumors? The manager affirmed that he bet on the "Business Weekly" reported happy dancing, as he rose from the morning to profit 0.42 U.S. dollars / share. Although Sun has stopped the trend of declining revenues, but this Santa Clara, Calif. company is still facing slow growth in revenue and profit situation.

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Flashing title bar

In your application, you may want to carry out the application's title bar flashes to alert users to a certain operation, this article describes how to make a window's title bar to flash.

Flashing title bar of a window means changing the appearance of its title bar, for example, becomes inactive it from activities or activities into the activities and so never. As long as you can in Delphi or C + + Builder to get the window handle, you can use the Windows application programming interface (API) function to make the window's title bar to flash. Function FlashWindows can be used to make a particular window flashing one.

Function prototype:

function FlashWindow (const hwnd: Integer; const bInvert: LongBool): LongBool;

The function requires two parameters, first parameter is to flash the title bar of the window handle, the second parameter is used to specify settings window flashing state, or to restore its original state. If the bInvert parameter True, it indicates that the window's title bar is flashing, if the parameter is False, then the window's title bar that has been restored to its original state.

The value returned by the function call to the function used to specify the state before the window, if the return value is True, it indicates that the function is called before the window is active, otherwise, if the return value is False, then that function is called before the window non- activities.

When using the FlashWindow function, a better method is to flash the title bar off frequency is set to the same character (ie the blinking cursor) the same character flashing off frequency can be obtained by calling the function GetCaretBlinkTime to. To use this function, you need to declare the following statements is included in your general declarations section of the form:

function GetCaretBlinkTime: Integer;
The function returns the value of that time with a millisecond. Example: Create a new Project, and the new one From (including the New
Project created Form, a total of two), in the Form1 to add a Button and Timer, according to the following method to establish procedures.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject);
Timer1.Interval: = GetCaretBlinkTime;
Timer1.Enabled: = Not Timer1.Enabled;
procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer (Sender: TObject);
FlashWindow (Form2.Handle, TRUE);

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Opel Korea Changhong plasma TV has met "Mama family," Summer Group buy

Beijing's Xidan reporters learned of large home appliances stores, although sales of home appliances market in the off-season, but the Opel Changhong Li PT50718 a plasma TV is deeply popular and ushered in the "mother nation" Summer Group buy.

This reporter has learned, Changhong Li PT50718 Opel Plasma TV usher in the summer a large number of young women, buy, and these young women born after 1980 are mainly young mother who, because they are mostly highly educated, many of whom are working women more than white-collar Therefore, open-minded pursuit of a higher quality of life, especially for children growing very concerned about the media called the "mother nation." The Opel Changhong Li PT50718 plasma TV was able to sell in the traditional low season in concern, get a large number of "mother nation" summer buy, mainly because it introduced in the "eye pattern" and other new features to take root.

First, the child's vision has been the topic of greatest concern to parents, summer approaching, many children leave after the free time watching television more than up, parents are worried their children will have decreased vision. Opel Changhong Li PT50718 TV Main Features "eye pattern", the TV will automatically adjust the brightness of the image to 6500K color temperature, can watch a larger perspective, a greater sense of three-dimensional image, the image of abnormal soft light, the eyes will not be stimulated Even if a long view, eye fatigue is low.

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